SourceSync Documentation

Welcome to the SourceSync documentation! Whether you’re new to SourceSync or a seasoned user, you’ll find valuable resources here to help you unlock its full potential. This comprehensive guide aims to provide a clear and concise overview of how to use SourceSync and benefit from its features.

SourceSync is a powerful development tool that bridges the gap between browser developer tools and the original source files. It aims to simplify the debugging and development process, making it easier to reflect changes made in browser DevTools directly back to the original source code. Whether you’re working with CSS, HTML, or JavaScript, SourceSync is designed to streamline your workflow.

In these docs, you’ll find:

Please use the table of contents to navigate through the sections. If you’re new to SourceSync, we recommend starting with the “Getting Started” section.

Remember, SourceSync is an open-source project, and community contributions are always welcome! Whether it’s bug fixing, feature requests, or improving documentation, we appreciate your input.

Happy coding!

Let’s get started 🚀